Program for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE) 2012-15

Context of the project

2011 marked the Government of The Gambia (GoTG) current National Development Strategy. The new development strategy titled Programme for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE) will cover the period 2012-2015, and has the main objective of promoting an accelerated and shared growth coupled with jobs’ creation. Through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed on March 29 2011, the GoTG and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) have agreed to cooperate in the framework of that exercise. In that regard, the GotG requested international technical support for the finalization of the PAGE


Le principal objectif du projet était est de rédiger un document de stratégie du PAGE. La réalisation de cet objectif a été une responsabilité partagée entre les experts gambiens impliqués dans le processus et le consultant international.

 Les objectifs spécifiques étaient de:

The main objective of the project was to achieve a well-written and coherent PAGE strategy document. The realization of this objective was a shared responsibility between the Gambian experts involved in the process and the International consultant

  • Coordinate, supervise and train the PAGE national team;
  • Define the major orientations, strategic pillars/axis and priority actions, to be retained in the PAGE
  • Define the Priority Action Plan (PAP);
  • Estimate the costing of the PAP;
  • Define the M&E system;
  • Identify needs for capacity building for public administration

Services provided by CESS

  • Coordination of the PAGE’s national team
  • Training seminars and development of the PRSP process, costing and M&E; Development of the PAP
  • Development of the PAP;
  • Estimate the costing of the PAP;
  • Development of Results Measurement Framework (RMF).

Resultats achieved

  • Drafting the PAGE document
  • Delivering three trainings sessions (elaboration of a PRSP, costing of the PRSP, Result Measurement Framework);
  • RMF
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